Monday 17 June 2013

Features of AWK and SED

1. Both are scripting languages, bcz they support automation.

2. Both work primarily with text files SED primarly used for search and

 replace & AWK allows to match various columns  Matching text, 
search and replace etc also.
3. Both are programmable editors.

4. Both accept command-line options (-f script_file)

5. Sed loops through all input lines of input stream or file
     Sed accepts input on.from: STDIN(keyboard),File, pipe(|)
6. sed supports address to indicate which lines to operate on:
     /^$/d -- delete blank lines from a file
^ followed by a $ sign means blank lines. and action performed here is "d" means delete. It will delete all blank lines from the file.

7. AWK is a field processor, based on whitespace, means single spaces, tab so on. AWK is used for extracting specific columns from data feeds.

8. AWK supports programming constructs: loops(for,while,do)

9. conditions (if,then,else)

10. arrays(lists). Functions(string,numeric,user-defined)

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