Monday 26 March 2012

BitMeter OS for bandwidth and data transfer monitor

BitMeter OS keeps track of how much you use your Internet/network connection.

You can monitor your connection usage either via a web browser, or by using the command line tools. The Web Interface displays various graphs and charts that show how your Internet / network connection has been used over time.

Download the package and install it


# dpkg -i  bitmeteros_0.7.5-i386.deb

After sucessful installation you can access the BitMeter OS web interface using  web-browser:  http://localhost:2605

The following commands will stop/start/restart the OS BitMeter Web Interface in Linux
sudo /etc/init.d/bitmeterweb stop
sudo /etc/init.d/bitmeterweb start
sudo /etc/init.d/bitmeterweb restart

The below screen shoots showing different options available in  BitMeter

1 comment:

  1. I have followed step by step in this tutorial, everything is describe, how to install and configure BitMeter OS on Debian/Ubuntu.
